Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pig Glorious Pig

My pig has arrived! Kathy (my farmer with the mostest) called as she saw the tail end of my porker right before the traveling slaughter house boys had their way with it. Did I tell you, she has the slaughters come to her rather than take the animals to the slaughter house? There is a physical reason for this - no stress, no endorphins that can toughen the meat. But she always says she does it because she doesn't want her animals last minutes on earth to be in fear. They are rooting around in their pasture one minute and the next they are out cold and ready for the butcher paper. 
Anyway, I had told Kathy that I wanted the hooves (trotters for those Anglos out there), ears, cheeks and intestines (why pay for sausage casing when my pig comes with it?). She informed me that, unfortunately, it was impossible as the slaughter/butcher will not butcher head, feet or any offal. 
So where does that leave me and my unlikely pig parts? 
Playing phone tag with Kathy hoping she hasn't tossed my pigs head, bowels and feet into the gut trench or what ever  receptacle she uses for the stuff nobody (but me) wants. If I do indeed get my cranium, cloven hooves and small intestines, I will have to clean and butcher them myself. I'll keep you posted....

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